Thursday, October 9, 2014

Recounting every contact

It started with team huddles, waiting for him to put his hand on top of every one's stacked hands so she could put it on top of his. Not listening to the team captain's words, only the light buzz of electricity she feels between their skin. All she could feel was the back of his hands.

Sometime she would put her hand first, secretly hoping he would put his hand on top of hers. During those few times that he would, she would hold her breath, enjoying the feeling, and letting her breath go not knowing that she was holding it that long.

This one team huddle, the first time the team were holding each other side by side. He was on her left, her hand was on his back, holding a patch of his shirt. His hand was on her back, a little lower even. She couldn't stand not to break a smile. Her hand was shaking and she couldn't contain the electricity running through her. She kept sighing and sighing until the team shouted their chants and jumping up and down that both of them finally let go of each other.

At an after party, right before capping the night off, he was sitting on her chair, she approached him and rubbed his back, intending for him to go back to his seat in front of her so she could sit down. Instead he rubbed her back and told her they we're ready to leave. She couldn't shake the thought of him caressing her back that way. It was almost out of instinct of a guy rubbing his girl's back.

She left recalling those moments, hoping that he was out there somewhere recalling the same moments too.