Monday, February 25, 2013

How she survived being broke

She went out with her friends and him. As most of the time, she wouldn't go out without him. It was a lousy week for her but the opposite for him. She only saw him during lunch breaks and shuttle bus rides. Nevertheless, those little ticks of time where she can see his face were enough for her.

They went out to a wooden-bench type of bar where people get served with ice on plastic bowls with spoon to serve them. That type. It was enough though, since it was just a normal Friday night.

She had too much to drink. She left her wallet on the table together with her phone. When she came back, the bill was there with 100 peso bill on top of it. She decided to give 500 bucks. She did not notice that her wallet had a 500 peso bill missing which would mean that she already paid, but she did not know. So she still gave 500 bucks. 

He was holding her wallet. Her memory of it was a bit blurry that she only remembered telling him that she only had 20 bucks left in there, and that she did not know how it happened. She wasn't angry, which she would normally be after realizing that her so called friends tricked her into paying that much without her consent.

She went home, got her keys, opened the locks by herself, with him watching her by the open gate. She went inside and slept on the couch.

She woke up at 6 am thinking she wanted to play Frisbee that early, but decided not to since she had no money left. She went to sleep in her room, on her huge and comfy bed.

Until he texted her asking if she had eaten. She replied with a no. He asked her to come eat with him at a nearby store. She didn't want to because that would mean that he will be paying for what she ate. But he insisted, and so she went out and ate.

That was brunch. For dinner, she cooked spaghetti for some of her friends. For breakfast, she slept, for lunch she ate corned beef out of the can, and for dinner she had take out using her credit card.

And that's how she survived having no cash for the weekend. Thank goodness for the credit card. And she decided to cut back on those night outs. And cut back on the trust she gave her so called friends. Because they thought that it was funny but she thought otherwise.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Her First Encounter

February 2012

She added him as a friend on Facebook. He accepted. The next day, she PM'd him to say thanks for accepting.

Then they started talking. He was in a class but he couldn't concentrate because he doesn't have a clue of what the trainer was teaching. So he replied to her PM instead.

He described how she always has her head down when she passes by his group. He looks at her every time she goes their way.

She replied that she was shy for there were a lot of them on side of the hallway. 

Their first eye contact was in the hallway too, right outside her office. They both smiled at each other.

After a lot of conversations, he told her that she was a snob because every time he looks at her, she looks away. Or that if they come across each other in the hallway, she always looks away.

He invited her to a practice game at an open field near their office building. He told her that it would be fun, and so that they could also talk. In person. She melted.

It was the first time they spoke face to face. She was so nervous that she wanted to run away when she saw that he was walking towards her. He said hi, and shook her hand.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Her Last Bus Ride

December 2012

She went partying at a metro. A long way from home. It was 8:00 AM in the morning, they were on a cab to the nearest bus terminal. She had him on her right side. She was surprised she's still awake after all that alcohol and heat from her body. She just had a feat with him, a betrayal of trust. She was so ashamed of it but she was pissed too that he acted like a little kid.

He slept on the cab. He was so sleepy, he rested his head on her shoulders. She was surprised. She was so frozen even her breathing stopped.

On the bus home, he was still on her right. This time, it was he who held her head on his shoulders. His left arm was around her. She rested her arms on his lap. One moment his arm was on top of her arms, the next moment, his fingers were entwined with hers. She froze again. She was afraid to move, and she was afraid that he might notice she's awake. She's afraid the he might take his hand back.

She was smiling her way home. She let go of his hand, woke him up, and got off the bus like nothing happened.

She was grinning secretly. Thinking of what he might be thinking. Thinking that maybe, that was a sign. 

Her Last Dance

February 2013

She was dancing her night away with some friends and someone she just met a while ago. But she wasn't dancing with them. She was dancing with random people whom she doesn't look in the eye. While dancing, she keeps her eye on him. She was afraid those people around her, one holding her waist, and one in front of her, might do something bad to her. So she keeps her eyes locked on his.

The guy holding her hand, turned her body around so that she was now facing him. Her heart skipped a beat and she found her hand clasped on his. She circled away from the creep, and faced him. Then he whispered to her. "Don't worry, I'm just here if anything happens."

Then she continued dancing.